Make maintenance easy with technical tiles on your patio or terrace!

How you can reach the services below your restaurant outdoor patio and how technical outdoor tiles can help.

The sun is shining and the diners on the patio of your restaurant are enjoying the food, location, and ambiance that you’ve so lovingly created. Of course sod’s law dictates that this is the time when something will go wrong! It could be some loose wiring, a burst pipe, or even a gas leak. And it could be under your patio.


This could mean calling in a contractor to remove the tiles from your patio, so that you can inspect and repair the damage that has been done. Typical restaurant outdoor patio tiles are thick and heavy, designed to withstand the rigours of high traffic areas and the various extremes in weather throughout the year. Removing them is not a small job. Hammer drills and jackhammers are the tools of the trade. You can be sure that your customers won’t want to stick around through the dust and debris, and the sheer volume alone will see to what remains of your ambiance. For a particularly large job, you might have to close your patio and even the entire restaurant for a length of time. And time is money. 

patio maintenance

This whole scenario can be avoided through the use of outdoor technical tiles. These porcelain tiles are not only lightweight, but they are extremely resistant to everything nature can throw at them. Stains, frost, heat… these tiles can handle it all. In fact, they’re so strong that they’ve even been used on streets. As they can handle being driven over repeatedly, you can be sure they’ll be able to withstand the foot traffic of your restaurant. 

terrace tiles

Not only are technical tiles strong and durable, they can be easily removed. Outdoor technical tiles may not require any kind of sealant, so you can feel free to pick them up and rearrange them as you see fit. Next time you need to access the services under your patio you can be sure that, with technical outdoor tiles, the disruption to your business can be kept to a minimum. 


These tiles can be installed and presented in numerous ways. They can be laid on sand, laid with adhesives, laid on grass, onto a raised platform, and can even be attached to an existing framework. The versatility of these tiles means that there is always an option for installation available to you.


These technical outdoor tiles are also easy to clean, so your restaurant patio will be spick and span and ready to welcome your customers again in no time.  


Follow the link below to see Versatile’s full range of outdoor tiles.

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