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The innovative ventilation solutions in the Neotime product range are equipped with highly efficient heat recovery and are ideally suited for installation in suspended ceilings due to their flat design. Alternatively, the ventilation units can be installed on the floor. This means that the compact ventilation units can be flexibly installed in a wide variety of properties such as offices, schools, nurseries, shopping centers, restaurants, apartment buildings, etc., both in new buildings and in renovations.

All necessary components are factory-fitted and programmed according to the selected configuration. This allows for easy plug-and-play installation. The control unit mounted on the ventilation unit ensures easy installation, configuration and operation of the unit on site. The Neotime product range is available in 5 sizes and with 3 operating modes.

  • There are 5 different unit sizes available with volume flows from 100 m³/h to 2,400 m³/h. This means that the optimum unit size can always be selected.
  • Flexible solution: Ideal for installation in suspended ceilings due to their flat design. Can alternatively be mounted lying flat on the floor.
  • Different climate comfort options such as electric pre-heating coil and/or optional electric or water-based post-heating coil.
  • Aluminium counterflow heat exchangers with high thermal efficiency up to 90 % (EN308) ensure extremely efficient system operation.
  • Direct-driven, backwards-curved fans with very low energy consumption, equipped with EC motors and overheating protection, allow for affordable and safe operation.
  • Optimum air quality thanks to high-quality filters as standard (outdoor air ePM1 55 % (F7) / extract air ePM10 50 % (M5)).
  • A number of interfaces are already factory-fitted as standard, enabling flexible integration into the building management system (Modbus, BACnet and Web).
  • Low-noise operation thanks to double-walled panels with high-density thermal insulation (mineral wool 25 mm). Leakage classification T3 and L2 according to EN1886.
  • Fully certified as the entire Neotime unit series is Eurovent-certified and complies with the ErP2018 requirements.

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